Winter activities at VASSIEUX EN VERCORS
For this winter season 2024 - 2025, we will gladly be working together with la meute du Vercors
Guillaume and Alexandra will be in charge of bookings and answering your requests.
Therefore, please use this following link to book an activity or ask questions/requests :
Discovery ride
Do you want a family activity? An outdoor activity? A moment of immersion?
The sled dog discovery ride is for you.
Comfortably seated in the sled pulled by 7 to 10 dogs, let your musher guide you through the magical scenary of the Vercors plateau.
No snow ? No worries, we use a kart, kind of a big sled on wheels !
The activity includes your greeting, the presentation of the dogs and the activity, the sled ride, cuddles and photos.
The little loop (about 5km)
45 to 60 min activity : adult 80€
child (under 10) 60€
The bigger loop (about 8-9km)
70 to 90 min activity : adulte 110€
child (under 10) 90€

Self driving
Do you want a more sporty activity? Do you dream of learning how to drive your own team?
Then the self driving experience is for you!
After getting a briefing and instructions from your musher, you will go for a ride driving your own dog team.
A good physical condition is necessary in order to handle and drive the sled and the dogs (braking, turning, helping the dogs uphill...)
Half day (9.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.): 160€/pers

Want to softly explore the surroudings? Discover the beautiful bond between man and animal?
So don't wait any longer and come to share with us a snowshoe walk pulled by a sled dog.
A mixture of snowshoeing and dog sledding, cani-snowshoeing was traditionally a transportation mode used by trappers in the Far North.
Geared up with a belt on the hips, which is connected to the dog's harness by a leash, you are up for a moment of guaranteed pleasure.
A good physical condition is necessary.
The activity does NOT include snowshoe rental.
2 hours activity : adult 35€
child 25€ (up to 6yo)

Visite culturelle
Au sein de notre structure, venez à la rencontre de notre groupe de chiens et partez à la découverte du meilleur ami de l’homme, que nous croyons tous si bien connaître.
À travers son histoire, les relations qui nous lient, son mode de fonctionnement, sa communication, ses besoins, … vous découvrirez un monde que vous ne soupçonnez sans doute pas, et qui pourrait bien vous ouvrir les yeux à une nouvelle relation.
Tarif enfant (3 à 9 ans) : 10€
Tarif adulte et enfant à partir de 10 ans : 14€
please note :
activities open from 20/12 to 16/03
Doubting about the right outfit? Check out our recommandations : Proper outfit required